Housing and Homeless

Why a major player in fighting homelessness in Phoenix changed its name

Leaders from Keys to Change and Key Campus discuss the rebranding of the Human Services Campus

PHOENIX, Ariz. (STN) – After announcing a significant change in late 2023, the rebranding of one of Phoenix’s premier homeless advocacy organizations became official this February.

What had been known for almost two decades as the Human Services Campus is now a combination of Keys to Change and Key Campus.

“This is a transitional moment for our organization,” said Keys to Change CEO Amy Schwabenlender. “It really is a big milestone for us.”

The three-year process that culminated in the major rebranding involved outside consultation and a working group comprised of both HSC board and staff. The goal of the new brand identity was to accurately convey the wide variety of services and support available for those experiencing homelessness in the greater Phoenix area, both through the organization and at the downtown campus itself. This change aims to alleviate any confusion resulting from the parent organization and the campus having the same name.

“The message will change to how there are multiple keys, multiple solutions, and strategies towards ending homelessness,” Schwabenlender said. “We want to move and make progress on all of them.”

Why did the Human Services Campus rebrand:

The rebrand to Keys to Change and Key Campus also included position changes for two well-known members of the leadership team. Letticia Brown-Gambino has been named the Executive Director for Key Campus. Richard Crews will continue as a program director under the Keys to Change umbrella, with an official title change still forthcoming.

Both Crews and Brown-Gambino joined Schwabenlender and UMOM CEO Jackson Fonder for a discussion about the rebranding for the February episode of It Happens at STN and explained their support for the changes.

“What we do on campus, unlocking the way home, it’s critical because we see about 1,200 individuals a day,” Brown-Gambino said. “All these services are critical to getting our folks back on their feet and on their way home. This is just a piece of what we do.”

Crews told the live studio audience that the rebrand will help breathe life into the work they have been doing but in a different way.

“So when we’re talking about the different keys and what needs to happen at a systems level to be able to eliminate homelessness, this is that moment and that opportunity,” he said. “We can have conversations at that systems level to help them understand how they are the key to making the change that they want to see as opposed to just trying to think of it in an abstract way.”

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